Monday, June 1, 2009

June Goals

I have seen this around the blog block so I figured I would give it a try. Maybe it will hold me accountable, maybe it will just be a list of things I never get around to doing. Who knows!?!

1. Upload and send graduation pictures to my sister.
2. Update the blog at least once a week.
3. Hang the mirror in the guest room.
4. Take the couch cover to the dry cleaners.
5. D.I. the basket of stuff that is sitting in the living room.
6. Create some sort of art for above our bed.
7. Plant the herbs into their permanent containers.
8. Write the paper for the class I am taking MORE than 24 hours before it is due.
9. Do laundry at least once a week.
10. Keep the kitchen counter clean for a month.
11. Lose 5 pounds.

I think these are all pretty reasonable to the point that they have a chance of completion. Well, all except number 8- because we all know that will never happen.

In other news, I have tons of pictures to post and many fun things to write about. I just haven't. Mostly because I am a slacker. Somewhat because I have been spending time in the yard cutting the bushes back and putting mulch in strategic places so that it looks as though we are trying to care about the appearance of our yard. I really thought this is why we pay the yard people but apparently that only covers lawn mowing. I think I need to add gardener to my future entourage.

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