Thursday, November 6, 2008

Check Montana off the List

A few weeks ago, Dr. HokieKev's mom and Mike came for a visit. We all decided to take a trip to Yellowstone. Let me just say that four adults in one car for 8 hours is less than stellar. Good thing I convinced Dr. Hokiekev to channel his inner gas guzzler and choose to take the Explorer over the Civic- my legs were squished as it was and I have short legs. So anyway, we left early Friday morning (begrudgingly on my part- I am not an early morning type of person) and began our trek to Montana. A million hours and a couple naps later, we arrived in the state of Brian Schweitzer. After checking into the hotel, we proceeded to venture into Yellowstone. one told us that everything in Yellowstone shuts down for the season- not the winter season- just "the season" between when the summer tourists leave and the skiing/snowmobiling crowd arrives. After driving 15 minutes into the park, Dr. HokieKev realized we should have stopped for gas lest we sleep with the elk- so we turned around, headed back out, got gas, turned back around, and proceeded back into the park. The next two days we spent enjoying both Yellowstone and the Grand Tetons. The pictures below prove that I do not follow directions very well. (Click on the picture to see the rest)