Wednesday, December 24, 2008

The joys of the 757...

Dr. HokieKev and I spent the better part of the 23rd in the air on the way to Hampton (aka- The 757). After driving through a blizzard at 5:30 in the am to get to the Salt Lake airport and wading through millions of little, blond children- yes, come to Utah, you will see- we settled into our seats for the flight to JFK. Luckily, the plane was not full and we could spread out a little. After arriving at JFK, we hustled through the terminal to the next gate and I went off in search of food. Dr. HokieKev promptly took a seat next to a mother and her 3-ish year old son. When I came back, Dr. HokieKev pointed out that the kid was be boppin to his ipod. 1) What 3 year old needs/has an ipod? 2) What in the world is he listening to? 3) Aren't earbuds dangerous for little kids? But anyway, the kid was cute as he be bopped along. Mom, on the otherhand, looked like she was very taken with herself and her knockoff designer purse. I guess it was good that the kid has an ipod, because mom surely was too wrapped up in her own to pay attention/entertain the child for the hourish layover.

So anyway, at one point mom gets up to check the boards to see when the flight is leaving. She tells the 3 year old to stay in the seats while she walks to the other side of the boarding area. Did I mention the kid was 3...I mean, seriously- you leave your kid in a VERY crowded airport, unattended? This is how kids disappear. Anyway- the kid doesn't listen, and follows her over to the video boards. While all this is happening, two unsuspecting people sit in the now unoccupied seats. When mother and son return, this was the conversation:

Mom: **Head Shimmey** My son and I were sitting there. I just got up to check the board.**Scoff**
Older woman: Sorry, is it just the two of you? There are two seats right there.
Mom:**Scoff** We are NOT sitting in those seats. We were sitting there, get out of our seats.
Older woman: We didn't know. Your stuff was not here.
Mom: **Scoff** I took my stuff with me. Move.
Older woman: So you are in that seat, who is sitting here.
Mom: **Throws purse in seat** MY SON. **Scoff**

At this point the older woman and her husband vacated the seats. The mother then turned to her little boy (3- remember) and said: "Son, that is what we call a bitch!"

It didn't surprise me in the least when she boarded the same flight as Dr. HokieKev and I on the way to Norfolk, VA.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Life Lesson #962- Fathers do not babysit thier children

Today's rant is courtesy of the checkout girl at the grocery store and the parents of the one week old who decided that it was a good time to make "Baby's First Sam's Club" trip in the snowstorm.

So last week I decided to make the trek to the grocery store- in the cold. Not preferable but when you realize the only food in your house is a bunch of basil, a half full jar of mayo, and some taco seasoning something has to be done. After filling my cart with enough supplies to ensure that I will not have to venture back until 2009, I make my way to the checkout. In front of me is a father and a couple of kids- mom is nowhere in site (I say this because it is rare in Utah). So anyway, the checkout girl comments that it is so nice of father to babysit his kids that night. This alone did not strike me as odd but then I realized that I hear this alot. Maybe it is still 1954 out here, but I was under the impression that fathers did not babysit, they parented.

Babysitting implies a temporary situation, usually ending with the exchange of money. Seriously, babysitting is what I did when I was 12. I would go over to someone else's house, watch someone else's kid, order pizza with someone else's money, put someone else's kids to bed, and watch someone else's TV until someone else came home and paid me. For a brief period of time, I suppose I was in charge of keeping their kids safe but this was only temporary and then I could go back to my 90210 watching 7th grade self. Fathers are not babysitters. Yes, it was nice of the father to take the kids out and spend time with them but this is something fathers should be doing. It is kind of part of the job description.

Along a similar note, why on earth would you take your newborn out in a snowstorm? I mean, I get that you need diapers and unimaginable quantities of sugar and chocolate for your holiday treats but did the baby really have to make the journey to Sam's Club? I only say this because the baby in question was accompanied by TWO parents- most definately a situation where one could have stayed home. I get that mom probably wanted to get out of the house- ok, that's cool- let dad stay home. And before you go saying- oh, they were probably young and didn't know better- let me tell you that they were well over the average age to pop out a kid in Utah and either way, should have known better. I guess I should not have been totally shocked at this as I see it all the time. I understand families like to spend time together and that is cool- but wouldn't it be faster and easier for one parent to stay home and hang out with the kiddos while the other one runs the errands. Not only will the errands get accomplished quicker but the stores will not be full of screaming kids who are sick of running errands (The mother who smacked her kid across the face for calling his father a "meany head" is another story entirely.). This will, in turn, led to much more plesant family time. It will also clear up the aisles in Wal-Mart (**shudder**).

Monday, December 15, 2008

Silly Me

I should have bought this Ann Taylor LOFT sweater in every color....

It is cold here and angora keeps you warm. That is all.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

A Few More Things...

Well since the first list was apparently not adequate enough- here are a few more items that have been ruminating in my brain.

This book is by my favorite author. I have been reading this series since I was in the 9th grade and I needed a book to do a report on. I scoured my dad's bookshelf and came up with a signed copy of Postmortem. I really liked it so I kept reading the series. I eventually caught up. Lately, she has been putting out a book a year. It takes me a couple hours to read them. I think she needs to write faster.

I have also quickly discovered that it gets really cold here. Mother Nature was teasing us with a few weeks of 55 and a beautiful weekend. She then decided to smack us in the face with a high of 19 on Monday. Her snarkiness necessitates the procurement of warm weather gear. I really need some new leather gloves. The ones I have are about 5 years old and the Thinsulate has worn out. The ones I have are from Target. Target no longer has them. Nordstroms has some fabulous, cashmere liined ones. They are expensive. These are from Ann Taylor LOFT. Again, not too picky about where they come from but they need to be normal glove length, black, and lined with no weird designs, flowers, bedazels, or metal. I am not trying to channel my inner Jacko. They also need to be real leather. Pleather annoys me. I don't care if a cow has to die.

I also need a pink scarf. I have a purple one but sometimes you just need to shake things up a bit. The first one is from Old Navy. It is sweaterweave. The second is from Ann Taylor LOFT. It is cashmere. I already have the first one in purple. The second one is soft.

This is also a fun little gadget. It frothes up milk so you can make lattes and other coffeehouse-esque drinks. I think you could probably also use it to make small amounts of whipped cream or other such things that need to be whipped. The first one is from Bed, Bath, and Beyond and the second is from Restoration Hardware. The one from Restoration Hardware is cheaper (Go Figure!). The one from BB&B is rechargeable.

This little breathalyzer looks like it could be fun at parties- however, it is only accurate to .14%. It is also from Restoration Hardware. The supposedly have them with better accuracy at Bed, Bath, and Beyond in key chain form but I could not find it on the website. It is considered subversive in Utah I am sure.

So there you have a few more Christmas list things. I still hate Christmas lists.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Do I really have to...

Making Christmas lists irks me. Seriously, if you pay enough attention to me then you know what types of things I want for Christmas. The concept of writing everything I have seen within the past year that I need in my possession just doesn't appeal to me. Until last year, I hadn't made a Christmas list since I was probably 12 when my sister and I would go through the Sears Toy Book and circle everything we wanted. I honestly don't remember getting anything from those Toy Books ever- well, the Rock Tumbler may have come from there but either way, it did not fulfill its promise of taking the nasty rocks it came with and turning them into perfectly polished pieces of jewelry- so I can't blame my hatred of Christmas lists on always getting what I wanted.

I just don't like Christmas lists. The whole concept negates the surprise on Christmas morning. I have unsuccessfully made this argument for the past several years- well, the past 10 years at least. You write a list, you get exactly what is on the list- where is the surprise. Last year, I gave in under duress. Kevin's mom- we shall call her Diane from here on out since that is her name- so anyway, Diane practically forced me to sit at the table the day after Thanksgiving and write down everything in the Black Friday ads that I saw that I wanted. Duct tape may or may not have been involved. After perusing ad after ad advertising cheap electronics and even cheaper DVDs for over an hour, I came up with a list of about 5 things that Dr. HokieKev and I would like (yes, I put things Dr. HokieKev would like on my Christmas list). That was the best I could do.

This year I tried to force myself to once again look at Black Friday ads- this time online and not under duress- but I just couldn't commit to it. However, people keep asking what I want for Christmas so I guess I should make an at least feeble attempt to placate the masses by posting several "wants" that are floating in my head right now. I guess I am pretty picky and I guess this makes it easier... so here goes.

In the realm of too hard to find because they were on Oprah's favorite things show last year are the Classic Cardy Ugg Boots in Gray- they are not a want but a need. And they need me just as much as I need them. They are too beautiful to sit in a box on a shelf in some warehouse. Too bad Oprah ruined it all. Size 8 please.

We all know that I want either of these three bedding ensembles. We all also know that they cost a whole lot of money. Hmmm...maybe if I start collecting Restoration Hardware gift cards now, I will have enough to buy the bedding sometime decade. I think I like the middle one best- but that changes daily. The third one is from Macy's.

In the realm of entirely too expensive and completely unnecessary are these champagne flutes. I have been in love with them since the second my friend Nilu showed them to me shortly before she got married. Whenever we pass a Swavorski store, I make Dr. HokieKev covet them with me. I do realize, however, that $340 a pair is entirely too expensive to spend on champagne flutes that would seriously never be used. But they are SOOOOO pretty...and sparkly!

Moving into the realm of entirely too expensive for their function but nevertheless would feel amazing on my freshly cleaned skin are the Turkish Towels from Restoration Hardware. SOOOOOO soft! We do need new towels- preferably 4 towels and 4 large bath sheets- but, even on sale, the Restoration Hardware price is over $200 bucks. The softy, soft towels at Bed, Bath, and Beyond would also fit the bill, however they are only available at the stores. Then again, towels don't really say "Wrap me up for under the tree!" they kinda say "Buy me, its Tuesday!" Either way, I like the color Midnight and I am guessing Dr. HokieKev likes midnight too.

Our house is also in need of an ottoman tray. I didn't really think these would be that expensive- I was wrong. I have been scoping out TJMaxx and Downeast for one to no avail. Anyway, here are some samples. The first is Pottery Barn, second is Restoration Hardware, and third is Crate and Barrel (I think). I am not too picky on this one...just need dark wood- not that pressed and veneer junk as I am slowly trying to rid my home of all things pressed and veneered.

So now let us venture back to reality- since we have moved to Utah, I have been drinking more wine. It is subverssive and all. Anyway, I never have room in the fridge to chill the bottle or I forget to chill the bottle. This lovely device would probably solve that problem. Again, not too picky- just a single bottle rapid chiller. This wine saver could also be cool. Sometimes you just don't want the whole bottle. The pourer cap could also come in handy.

I also need a new blowdryer. The one I have takes forever and is a contributing factor to why I go to work with seriously staticy hair. This one would do. I just want one that uses ions because they dry hair faster and also has a straight difusser thingee (yes, the techinical term) that looks like it belongs on a vaccumm cleaner. Apparently, this straight diffuser thingee will pump up my roots. The spiky diffuser thing would be a plus I suppose- that is, if I could ever figure out how to use it.

I think I also need at least one of these products because it is so dry here. In fact, I probably need these products by the case. Especially given my propensity to leave them in my pockets through the dryer. Anyway, I am VERY picky about my Chapstick. NOTHING flavored or smelly. Plain old Chapstick is the way to go. None of that moisterizing crap in the blue tubes...ick! Black tube-all the way! Bert's Bees is good too...nice and beeswaxy. This particular package provides a nice sampling.

The last thing I can think of that I want for Christmas is the Butter Toffee Peanuts from the Virginia Diner. They are totally delish! I fell in love with them in 10th grade when we sold them to raise money to go to the Bahamas for Show Choir. At the time, they also had Double Dipped Chocolate Butter Toffee Peanuts- those were GREAT! Since then, the store has only been selling regular Butter Toffee Peanuts but they are still wonderful and I like them alot.

We also need new pillows- Dr. HokieKev wants the fancy kind. Maybe he will get lucky one day. They have a ton of really nice choices at Macy's. The only thing is that you can't face test a pillow over the internets. This would require going to the store- the closest one is 2 hours away. And it would also involve Dr. HokieKev agreeing to go shopping- I can't pick out his pillow for him. Besides, if we are going to have most beautemous bedding, then we might as well have fluffified pillows. And perhaps a new, King Size down comforter. The one we have now is more double bed sized. With a bigger one, we can stop waking the other up while fighting for the warmth.

So there all you list pushers have a list. I may add to it later. Who knows. I still hate Christmas lists.