Wednesday, December 24, 2008

The joys of the 757...

Dr. HokieKev and I spent the better part of the 23rd in the air on the way to Hampton (aka- The 757). After driving through a blizzard at 5:30 in the am to get to the Salt Lake airport and wading through millions of little, blond children- yes, come to Utah, you will see- we settled into our seats for the flight to JFK. Luckily, the plane was not full and we could spread out a little. After arriving at JFK, we hustled through the terminal to the next gate and I went off in search of food. Dr. HokieKev promptly took a seat next to a mother and her 3-ish year old son. When I came back, Dr. HokieKev pointed out that the kid was be boppin to his ipod. 1) What 3 year old needs/has an ipod? 2) What in the world is he listening to? 3) Aren't earbuds dangerous for little kids? But anyway, the kid was cute as he be bopped along. Mom, on the otherhand, looked like she was very taken with herself and her knockoff designer purse. I guess it was good that the kid has an ipod, because mom surely was too wrapped up in her own to pay attention/entertain the child for the hourish layover.

So anyway, at one point mom gets up to check the boards to see when the flight is leaving. She tells the 3 year old to stay in the seats while she walks to the other side of the boarding area. Did I mention the kid was 3...I mean, seriously- you leave your kid in a VERY crowded airport, unattended? This is how kids disappear. Anyway- the kid doesn't listen, and follows her over to the video boards. While all this is happening, two unsuspecting people sit in the now unoccupied seats. When mother and son return, this was the conversation:

Mom: **Head Shimmey** My son and I were sitting there. I just got up to check the board.**Scoff**
Older woman: Sorry, is it just the two of you? There are two seats right there.
Mom:**Scoff** We are NOT sitting in those seats. We were sitting there, get out of our seats.
Older woman: We didn't know. Your stuff was not here.
Mom: **Scoff** I took my stuff with me. Move.
Older woman: So you are in that seat, who is sitting here.
Mom: **Throws purse in seat** MY SON. **Scoff**

At this point the older woman and her husband vacated the seats. The mother then turned to her little boy (3- remember) and said: "Son, that is what we call a bitch!"

It didn't surprise me in the least when she boarded the same flight as Dr. HokieKev and I on the way to Norfolk, VA.

1 comment:

MurrBev said...

LOL! And some lucky teacher will get to have that kid in class one day after mom has completely screwed him up.