Wednesday, December 10, 2008

A Few More Things...

Well since the first list was apparently not adequate enough- here are a few more items that have been ruminating in my brain.

This book is by my favorite author. I have been reading this series since I was in the 9th grade and I needed a book to do a report on. I scoured my dad's bookshelf and came up with a signed copy of Postmortem. I really liked it so I kept reading the series. I eventually caught up. Lately, she has been putting out a book a year. It takes me a couple hours to read them. I think she needs to write faster.

I have also quickly discovered that it gets really cold here. Mother Nature was teasing us with a few weeks of 55 and a beautiful weekend. She then decided to smack us in the face with a high of 19 on Monday. Her snarkiness necessitates the procurement of warm weather gear. I really need some new leather gloves. The ones I have are about 5 years old and the Thinsulate has worn out. The ones I have are from Target. Target no longer has them. Nordstroms has some fabulous, cashmere liined ones. They are expensive. These are from Ann Taylor LOFT. Again, not too picky about where they come from but they need to be normal glove length, black, and lined with no weird designs, flowers, bedazels, or metal. I am not trying to channel my inner Jacko. They also need to be real leather. Pleather annoys me. I don't care if a cow has to die.

I also need a pink scarf. I have a purple one but sometimes you just need to shake things up a bit. The first one is from Old Navy. It is sweaterweave. The second is from Ann Taylor LOFT. It is cashmere. I already have the first one in purple. The second one is soft.

This is also a fun little gadget. It frothes up milk so you can make lattes and other coffeehouse-esque drinks. I think you could probably also use it to make small amounts of whipped cream or other such things that need to be whipped. The first one is from Bed, Bath, and Beyond and the second is from Restoration Hardware. The one from Restoration Hardware is cheaper (Go Figure!). The one from BB&B is rechargeable.

This little breathalyzer looks like it could be fun at parties- however, it is only accurate to .14%. It is also from Restoration Hardware. The supposedly have them with better accuracy at Bed, Bath, and Beyond in key chain form but I could not find it on the website. It is considered subversive in Utah I am sure.

So there you have a few more Christmas list things. I still hate Christmas lists.

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