Friday, October 3, 2008

Are You Smarter Than a High School Junior: Constitution Edition

In order to educate the masses and provide future reference, I feel compelled to tell the world that the Constitution gives hardly any power whatsoever to the Vice President of the United States. Dude has two jobs: 1) Serve as President of the Senate and break any ties and 2) inquire daily as to the health of the President. That is it. No real executive power whatsoever. No real legislative power either. Other than breaking ties and The State of the Union, the Vice President rarely graces the floor of the Senate. That is what the President Pro Tempore of the Senate is for. It used to be Strom Thurmond, but he was old- and died. The current one is Robert Byrd. He is 90 and used to be a member of the Ku Klux Klan. He gave a wonderful speech on dogfighting.

So contrary to what the hockeymom would have you believe, the Vice President has no real legislative role at all. They don't get to make laws. Maybe she should have read a high school government book before the debate last night. Seriously. I guess, if you want to get technical, the Vice President can preside over the Senate everyday- and maybe that was the original intent- but that is not what happens in real life. It is kinda like being the Congressional delegate from can show up, you can talk for three days, but in the end you don't get to vote.

So there is your civics lesson for today. In addition, the President of Iran's last name is Ahmadinejad- say it with me, AH-MA-DIN-NA-JAD. THERE IS NO K!


Anonymous said...

also, nuclear is pronounced NU-CLE-AR, not NU-CU-LAR... she's such a dummy

Anonymous said...

I just knew you could clarify all of this for me. Keep em coming. love mommy