Sunday, January 11, 2009

Sometimes Ignorance is Bliss

I have never been a huge fan of coffee. I will drink it if it is REALLY early or I am REALLY tired or it has a TON of milk and sugar in it. That started in high school when we would have to be at school at 5:30 in the am for show choir trips. That was early- too early. So I would make my way to 7-11 for coffee with a TON of chocolate milk. This was before there was a Starbucks on every corner.

Time passed and Starbucks began to take over the world. I still wasn't a huge fan and I clung to my cheapy 7-11 coffee. Then I met the Starbucks Mocha Latte and my life changed. I found that the Mocha Latte was dependable. Wherever I went (or moved), the Mocha Latte was there. Yes, it was a tad expensive but I guess you pay for the privilege of calling your drink a Grande. I lived for several years in the warm glow of these Mocha Latte's, only straying between Halloween and Christmas to the ever illustrious, and rather tasty Peppermint Mocha. My Mocha Lattes and I were doing just fine. And then I found out the truth.

See, Dr. HokieKev and I went to Seattle this summer. Apparently, coffee lives in Seattle. Or at least has a summer home there. So anyway, we went to Seattle to visit our friends Nilu and Rob and inevitably coffee came up. And Nilu told me the truth about Starbucks. If you like Starbucks, you may want to stop reading as I would hate to ruin it for you. They burn their beans when they roast them. This ensures that all Starbucks coffee tastes the exact same. I guess they don't want you to go to one Starbucks, get a cup of coffee, drink it and then go across the street to another Starbucks and have a different tasting coffee. They have to keep their corporate image. Anyway, ever since this revelation every time I drink my once tasty Mocha Latte, all I taste is burn. And that kind of ruins the experience.


Nee said...

Oh no! I'm sorry!

Ann said...

No worries...I have since found better coffee...with more responsible business practices, if you are into that kind of thing.