Monday, January 26, 2009

Because all the Cool Kids are Doing it

Since three people have "tagged" me on Facebook, I caved and decided to do this little ditty. So without further ado:

25 Random Things About Me

1. I can't stand turtlenecks. I blame this on my mother who used to dress me in Osh Kosh B'Gosh turtlenecks everyday when I was little. Crew necks are semi tolerable if they do not come up to high. V Necks are highly preferable.

2. Sometimes when I hit snooze on the alarm and fall back asleep between buzzes, I dream that I am getting up, showering, and getting dressed. I am usually awoken by Dr. HokieKev dragging me out of bed as I protest that I am, in fact, dressed and ready to go.

3. Dazed and Confused is my favorite movie ever- since the 8th grade. The first time I watched it was with my mom and my middle school best friend. I have never smoked marijuana in my whole life. I also like to watch cheesy movies on Disney and ABC Family- mostly because they require no thought.

4. I often tease Dr. HokieKev for not being a "real doctor" but I am really proud of him for being a "fake doctor."

5. I hold grudges against people I don't know. I am pretty quick to forgive those I do know. I realize that said grudges are not productive in anyway.

6. I desperately want my house to look like a page from a magazine. We have too much clutter to make this happen but I am working on it.

7. I still have two boxes of my childhood stuffed animals in the closet. It took me 27 years to get rid of the other 6 boxes. I think there are two more at my parents' house.

8. I want to write a textbook on American history or maybe the teaching of American history. I want it to be practical and not boring. I have no idea how to go about starting this process.

9. I think I am a pretty intelligent individual. I hate it when people underestimate me because I am a girl with blond hair and big boobs. I like to prove these people wrong.

10. I am in a sorority. Parts of me are very "sorority girl" however, most parts are not.

11. I firmly believe every individual should have to take a class on the proper placement of the comma. I tend to be somewhat of a grammar nazi. Along these lines, I proofread blogs many times over and sometimes go back and edit them days after they have been posted. It distresses me that many people do not care how they come across in formal (or informal) writing.

12. Cooked vegetables disgust me. Cooked celery is the worst. The only cooked vegetables I will eat are potatoes, corn, and spinach.

13. I really want a pair of knee high, black, hooker boots. My calf muscles are too big to pull off this look. They always have been.

14. I hate it when people are intolerant of others. I am a big believer in being able to do what you want with your life as long as you are not harming others. And by harming others, I don't mean threatening their traditions or questioning their beliefs. Closemindedness annoys me.

15. I rarely leave the house without make-up. I rarely put make-up on when I have nowhere to go. I usually don't take the time to do my hair. It takes too long and ends up flat anyway.

16. I only read the first three chapters of The Great Gatsby and The Scarlett Letter and Wuthering Heights. There are also MANY other books that I never read, yet successfully completed book reports for. Sometimes, I regret this and vow to go back and read these books. Then I realize that I really don't like American Lit, or British Lit for that matter. I did read The Stranger and I liked it. I also like Edgar Allen Poe and Louis Carroll.

17. In a former life, I was an American History teacher. I do not watch the History Channel. I also don't like biographies of most traditionally historic figures. In fact, I don't usually enjoy reading books about history. Unless they are interesting or slightly subversive.

18. Sometimes, I like to pretend I am Martha Stewart, or the Ace of Cakes, or the Iron Chef. Sometimes, it works. Sometimes, it is an EPIC FAIL! I try to take pictures either way.

19. I am very good at halfway completing projects around the house. I still need to hang pictures that have recently been framed. And paint over holes the previous owners left. And organize several rooms. And post pictures going back to November. I also need to finish my college scrapbook- and my high school scrapbook for that matter.

20. I registered for a drill when Dr. HokieKev and I got married. I love my drill. I can also fix a toilet.

21. I am not a morning person. In my former life as a teacher, school started at 7:40 in the am. I was pretty good at faking it- most days. Delay days were my favorite as I did not have to resemble awake until 10:30.

22. I like learning about other cultures and religions. This does not make me culturally diverse or religious. I am ok with that.

23. I took four years of French in high school. I can't write it. I can't speak it. I can understand it to a point. I think I could make my way around- if the people giving directions spoke slowly or wrote it down. The only sentence I can say in Spanish is "Where is the library?" My mother taught me that. I really want to learn to speak Italian.

24. I am addicted to reading blogs. If you have a blog and I know about it, I am most likely reading it. I have a few blogs bookmarked- they are written by people I don't know. Most have to do with decorating.

25. I was in Show Choir in High School. I can sing well. I do not sing in public. I can also dance. I am told my dancing abilities surprise people.

I am also supposed to tag 25 more people to do this. I don't think 25 people read this. I tagged people on Facebook.


Anonymous said...

Good to know that if you are ever anywhere that spanish is spoken you can always find the library thanks to me. Other than the italian, and the teasing of your fake dr. hokie kev, I must say I know you pretty well for a mom! Love me

Anonymous said...

Tsk, tsk, slacking in Mrs. Ferguson's class...not like we all didn't do it heh.

I can actually still passably speak simple french, I think. But write it? Probably not. I'm actually thinking about going over there soon...

Anonymous said...

"You'd be a lot cooler if you did." Oh how I love dazed and confused.

Elfling said...

Hah, we've been looking for the perfect hooker boots since college! Maybe we can go shopping together soon <3