Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Commercials, Clintons, and some guy from Montana

I am kinda disappointed that I live in a state the is really a non-issue in the election. I mean, this state is Republican- always has been, probably always will be. What this means is that neither candidate will be spending money running TV ads so the only ones we will see are the national ones. Boo! Same thing happened in 2004. MA is Democratic so it doesn't get commercials either. Imagine my excitement when I ran across this website! Seriously, go there. Watch the first Eisenhower ad from 1952. Tap your foot. Do a gig. Take note that they do not make them like that anymore.

Anyway, it is probably a good thing that they aren't showing commercials around here. All the ones that I have seen are kind of dumb. They have also been heavily Republican. Well, heavily the Republicans stealing from Hillary. Shouldn't the Republicans be saving money by not airing their commercials during the DEMOCRATIC convention. People that watch these conventions are not basing their November choice off of them. They are nerds, just like Dr. HokieKev and I. The one commercial that I think is especially dumb is the one of the woman holding a Hillary sign claiming that she is a "life long" Democrat. Well number one- no one is a "life long" anything. You don't pop out with a political affiliation and furthermore, those who have affiliations pushed upon them tend to revolt at some point. And number two- the whole point of this commercial is invalid. The premise is that this woman, once a Hillary supporter, is now supporting McCain because he has more experience than Obama. OK- if you are basing your vote totally off of who has more experience, why were you not supporting McCain from the beginning? He has always had more experience than all the others in the contest. He is older than they are, been in the Senate longer than they have, and lived in a frickin tiger box for five years. He didn't all the sudden get more experienced the day Hillary lost the nomination.

And Hillary did lose the nomination. Contrary what CNN and Fox News have been pushing all week, she lost. Fox News was especially bad this afternoon going on and on saying that the DNC wasn't going as planned and expect things to get iffy when they began the roll call vote. I, for one, was hoping this would happen as I am always up for a good case of political shenanigans. However, after Hillary's speech last night, my hopes of that had dwindled. Whether it was heartfelt or not, she did what she was supposed to do and hopefully it worked. She was the one who, this afternoon, motioned that Obama be nominated by acclamation- something that hasn't happened in a while (if you watch the CNN trivia ticker it will eventually show you how long). Maybe if she had that kind of pep and vigor during the primaries she would be the one speaking tomorrow. Maybe not. And I don't really feel all that bad for her.

I do feel kinda bad for John Kerry. How did he get the speech slot after Bill Clinton? That is certainly not a spot in which I would want to have to speak. I mean, Bill Clinton is so- dynamic- so- persuasive and John Kerry is well, not. He should just stick to the fact that his wife owns ketchup because he isn't going to make money as a motivational speaker. Overall though, Kerry's speech wasn't that bad. At least not the part CNN deemed it necessary to show. Again, had he been that excitable four years ago, maybe things would be different. He was the captain of the Yale debate team for crying out loud and he couldn't beat G.W. in a debate? What's up with that?

Bill Clinton, on the other hand, is a great speaker and always has been. And he certainly was right in saying that Obama has about as much national security experience as he did in 1992. The Republicans are of course saying that Clinton at least had executive branch experience. I mean, I know the Gov. of Arkansas is an executive position but come on exactly how much national security and foreign relations was he conducting? I did think Clinton was going to jump off that podium and start physically forcing people to sit down. He technically was only supposed to speak for 10 minutes- I think he went for 20. The LDS Bishop interrupted my Bill watching and proceeded to scowl at me when I said I had to get back to Bill. I guess he wasn't a big Bill fan. Oh Well!

Speaking of great speeches...Dr. HokieKev and I agree that Gov. Brian Schweitzer of Montana has stolen the speech show. If you missed it, you can go here and watch it. That is what YouTube is for. They should cart him out more often. He called out John McCain and it was funny. Schweitzer managed to get those delegates riled up. Until his speech, they looked like a bunch of bored individuals only in Denver because they had to be. The only thing that would have made that speech better is if it culminated with a balloon drop. Everyone loves a good balloon drop.

PS- What's up with Nancy Pelosi's outfit? She looks like she is going to a ball- well, until they show the pants.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Musical Interludes, Kennedys, and Carville's Shiny Head

Once again, I really think I need to be on CNN's panel of experts. For those of you who did not read it before, I became convinced of this on the evening of the New Hampshire primary when CNN expert John King was clearly downloading iTunes while waiting for Wolf to finish playing with the maps. I am pretty sure I could hang out at CNN and play with iTunes.

Anyway, so I am sitting here watching the Democratic National Convention. CNN has once again outdone itself with its completely unnecessary additions to a perfectly fine on its own event. What do I mean, you ask? Well, in addition to the actual coverage of what is going on in Denver, CNN presents the viewer with a Sound-O-Meter (which I haven't seen move into the yellow or red sections, even when Ted Kennedy was speaking, even though he is sick.), a sidebar Gavel to Gavel list which basically lists the four big things happening in each hour of coverage (maybe this is good if I could get in my time machine and go back to 5pm to maybe care about the introduction of the first time delegates), and of course let us not forget the Now/Next/Later Trivia Bar. The Now/Next/Later is a nifty gizmo I suppose, but do you really need to put the musical interludes on there? Seriously? Are the American people that dumb as to not know when they are playing music? And the Trivia- its like watching Pop Up Video- Democratic Convention Edition.

Let's revisit Senator Kennedy. Dude is a machine. Seriously, he had brain surgery less than three months ago and has since undergone chemo and radiation AND he flys all the way to Denver to make his second public appearance since his surgery AND he refuses the stool AND he gives a crazy hyped up speech AND he says Novembah. If the DNC elected a candidate like the mini-popes elect the Pope, Kennedy would so be the candidate right now. Unfortunately for Kennedy, they don't use nomination by acclamation anymore (not since Johnson is what I believe CNN trivia ticker said). They really don't use it to elect the Pope anymore either, but I think they still can. Everyone was crying at the end. I was eating Pesto Alfredo Chicken Ravioli.

And no DNC would be complete without James Carville. I love James Carville. He is just so ragin'! Besides, anyone who can spin Bill Clinton's pre Presidential personal life in a positive way has got to be a pretty competent dude. I also love his shiny, shiny head. He probably won't need to do too much spinning this election as I don't think Obama has those kinds of skeletons in his closet but then again, a month ago I would have said the same thing about John Edwards. Carville is supposedly out of the business of Presidential campaign spinning these days. But I do wonder what the dinner conversation at the Carville-Matlin house is like during election season.

Now it is time for the closing prayer. I know this from looking at my convenient Now/Next/Later ticker. Good thing this isn't going as late as the Olympics. A girl has got to sleep at some point.

And on one final note, I still think we are in for some shenanigans. Hilary Clinton's name is still on the ballot and the CNN Trivia ticker says it will remain there for historical purposes. The delegates are only bound to vote for their predetermined candidate through the first round. If neither candidate gets the required amount of delegate votes, the delegates are free to vote for whomever they want on subsequent votes. So there is a possibility Hillary can still win the nomination (This would require many super delegates to change their votes). It is a long shot but strange things happen in smoke filled rooms. Just ask James K. Polk.

PS- Keep those Obama kids on TV as long as possible. You could just hear that in the earpieces of those in charge of the stage when the girls were up there. Everyone loves cute kids. Although, I'm not sure that the older one was liking it too much.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008


This morning when I came downstairs I could have sworn it smelled like bacon. Funny thing is, I didn't make bacon this morning, last night, or at any other time in this house. Unless Kevin went to the grocery store and cooked and ate a whole pack of bacon this morning before work there has been absolutely no bacon cooked or eaten in this house since we have moved in. But alas, the downstairs smelled like bacon. Not that bacon is a bad smell but I find it a little strange for a scent to be ruminating in the basement when the think producing that scent is nowhere in the house.

The furniture fixer guy also came today. He wiped the smell of bacon right out of the house. The entire house now smells like some sort of high powered epoxy. He did mange to fix the desk that the incompetent movers broke while taking apart in Gainesville. Seriously, had they asked me how to take the bolts off, I gladly would have helped them out. Instead, they just gouged and pulled until the thing was apart seriously damaging the oh so special particle board along the way. Once we get our new entertainment center, the desk will be the last piece of particle board furniture in use in this house. I hate particle board and my hatred causes me to firmly ask the sellers of any furniture we purchase if any part of the wood is particle board. It's just gross. We will save the old end tables though, as they may come in handy in the future. I guess particle board is good if kids are going to destroy the furniture. Although, if I get my way, they are gone too. Anyway, the desk looks great. You can't even tell that just 12 hours ago it had a huge gouge on the side, bent screws, and broken screw holes.

The furniture fixer also fixed our broken couch. (I think the couch is framed with something worse than particle board.) In any case, two of the supports had some how come unnailed and slipped from their position. I actually think this was Dr. HokieKev and I's fault as I noticed it WAY before we moved, but we won't tell the moving company that. The guy was able to literally take apart the fabric of the couch, put some screws in to secure the beam, and staple the fabric back into place so you can't even tell it was broken. He seems like a good guy to know. I probably should have asked him to look at my now broken wine rack.

Speaking of wine racks...the second one fell to the ground today. Seriously, something does not want me to have wine paraphernalia in this state. Luckily, I had been too lazy to put glasses in said wine rack so I wasn't welcomed upstairs by shattered pieces of glass everywhere. Also luckily, the fall didn't cause any damage to the rack or the floor.

So that was the day, the night was slightly more eventful. Dr. HokieKev and I had dinner at the President's house tonight. It was cocktail party like- without the cocktails. Instead, we had a "have the caterer make you some flavored lemonade" bar. I think all the colors were made to resemble tropical beverages. Cocktail parties are, however, more fun when they include actual cocktails. We probably won't get much of that around here. Anyway, it was a good time. Dr. HokieKev was shocked when the President's wife said they entertained most every night from now until Christmas. I was quick to remind him that she did not have to clean, cook, cleanup, or even plan the events. They have people for that. If I had people for that, we would entertain every night too. I am not even sure they live in the house the party was at. It is the biggest house on the street and definitely set up for parties including a huge patio and a side cul-de-sac for parking. The President also mentioned that they have a house about 20 minutes away. Maybe they are just a two house family- one for the week, one for the weekend. It just seems weird that a University owned house wasn't physically on campus. Maybe that is just what I am used to. Nonetheless, it was a great house and a great backyard. We left the party with bread from some bakery in town and supposedly homemade raspberry jam. Dr. HokieKev doubts that Mrs. President actually made it. Whatever.

Now we are home, catching up on a million hours of Olympic coverage, still doubting the Chinese gymnasts are actually 16. The house still smells like epoxy- and surprisingly like bread.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Life Lesson #382: Never leave a bottle of wine in a hot car

Utah was more or less a "dry" state until the 2002 Olympics came around. Apparently, to secure the Olympic bid, the state had to agree to relax some of its stringent laws regarding the sale and consumption of alcohol. When the world did not end, the laws stayed in their more relaxed state. Compared to other states, however, the laws here are still a bit...discouraging.

Naturally, chain restaurants and other nice eating establishments have full bars. Could you honestly imagine Chilli's without its Presidente Margaritas? Or Olive Garden without wine in giant jugs? There are also bars...well, private clubs. Most of these clubs you have to pay a whopping fee of $3 a month to "join." This allows you unlimited guest privileges and the right to drink "real" alcohol during certain times, on certain days. These bars aren't allowed to open on Sundays, certain holidays, or state election days after 8pm. I get the first two, but the last one? Wouldn't you want people sober during the day while they are making their voting decision? What does it matter if someone is drinking during the live results show?

The bars here also all look shady and strip club like. Most of them have darkened or shaded windows and tall fences around their patios. I guess this allows people to hide their alcoholism better. The liquor store is the same way. The liquor stores here, much like in VA, are state run. However, VA ABC stores welcome you in with neon signs and see through glass. The stores here are very hidden. Like, go down the back alley way, take a left, enter the second turn, flash your lights three times and someone will be up to further direct you kind of hidden. These stores are also the only place you can buy liquor, wine, and beer with more than 3.2% alc/vol. They sell this 3.2% beer in grocery stores- normal beer is 4% alc/vol- I really don't know what is so wrong with that last .8% but whatever, beer is gross. So back to the liquor store.

I managed to find one the other day and buy a couple bottles of wine. One to drink, one to cook with. I was actually pretty amazed at their selection of wines and snobby beers. (I had to buy the Marsala by the gallon and it will take me a year to use it all but whatever.) So I buy my wine and proceed to run a few errands and go to a party. Fast forward to the next morning when I remember I forgot to grab the wine out of the car. So I go out the the car, grab the bag- which promptly breaks- and proceed to curse the wine gods. You see, my lovely bottle of Mount St. Michelle Reisling had decided to start the party without me and pop its own cork. Luckily, only a small amount of the sweet, grapey goodness had leaked out onto my car seat. Also luckily, the bottle was not broken, as was my first thought. The only thing I could figure was that some kind of chemical reaction took place inside the non-carbonated bottle of wine as it heated up which cause the cork to pop right out. I learned my lesson- never leave wine in a hot car.

This incident comes on the heels of another harrowing occurrence, making me think that the wine gods are totally against me for even attempting to consume the libation in Utah. You see, several years ago, Dr. HokieKev bought me the most beautimous Pottery Barn wine racks for my birthday. These wine racks must be bolted into the wall with these scary, medieval looking anchors. Because we had never owned a house, I never put them up because I knew once they were up they would be hard to get down. When we moved into this house, I decided they must find a place on the wall. The wall, however, is covered in travertine and we really didn't want to have to drill through it. Enter quick drying epoxy. Slap some of that stuff on the wall, mount the brackets, and set the shelves. This worked well, really well actually, for two weeks until Friday night. I am sitting in the basement, minding my own business, pondering the ages of the Chinese gymnasts and Dr. HokieKev was in a pretty deep sleep, when all of the sudden and out of nowhere comes an enormous crash from upstairs. I jumped up thinking that one of the pans I had just washed had somehow fallen off the counter onto the wood floors. I was dreading seeing the dent. So I rush up the stairs and look around. Nope, not the pan...the wine rack...and five bottles of liquidly substances. Luckily, only one bottle broke. Nevertheless, red wine was now soaking the floors and there were bits of glass everywhere (The floor survived pretty well- three tiny dents from tops of bottles but you really can't tell). By this point, Dr. HokieKev had rushed upstairs to see why I had vacated the room so quickly- apparently in his dreamstate, he had not heard the crash (but somehow my gasp at the top of the stairs had awoken him). I guess drilling through the travertine will just have to be done as, one way or another, that wine rack (newly repaired with some Gorilla Wood Glue) is going on that wall.

Overall, I think the universe is trying to tell me that drinking in Utah is not acceptable. I think I will win this one though, as the wine rack has been repaired, grout anchors have been purchased (to try one last time to spare the tiles), and that bottle of Reisling made a perfect addition to my pizza and cheesy bread dinner.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Dear People Who Used to Own Our House,

I realize this letter is a little late in coming but I just wanted to take a moment to publicly thank you for leaving our new house in such a stellar condition when you vacated. Really, it is fun for me to go around with various cleaning implements rubbing your kids grubby finger prints off appliances, cabinets, TVs, and sliding glass doors. I am really curious to know how your kids even got their hands as high as they did to make some of those prints. Oh, you think those prints may have been from Dr. HokieKev and I? I don't think so- are hands aren't that tiny, we aren't Chinese gymnasts. Anyway, wiping up the fingerprints wasn't all that big of a deal I suppose. At least not compared to the nastiness you left in the microwave and oven. Seriously, did you think we weren't going to notice the spaghetti sauce gooked on the top of the microwave or all the gunk in the oven. I mean, I know you have two small kids but honestly, how hard is it to take a paper towel to the microwave or hit the self clean button on the oven. I know from experience that it is not hard as I completed these tasks in the first two minutes of trying to cook dinner for the first time.

And speaking of the first time...what a wonderful surprise it was when our Realtor opened the freezer when she let us in the house only to be greeted by a landslide of ice. I understand removing the ice bucket from the freezer to clean it/dry it out but usually people hit the ice maker's off switch after the bucket is removed. Maybe you thought we would need literally a freezer full of ice when we got into town. Even if I made enough frozen beverages for the whole neighborhood, I would not have used all the ice. Instead it ended up on the hardwood floors. If ice did not melt, I would still be picking it up. Of course, all our towels were en route so we had to improvise that clean-up.

Its also really cool that you never forwarded your mail to wherever you are living now. It doesn't really bother me that much as you are the ones out those Gymboree coupons. I do, however, suggest you get the mail forwarded. We have at least 6 bills for your business. I would think that you would want to make sure these all get paid on time and, while we are happy to rewire the house for our HD viewing pleasure and fix that broken towel bar in the bathroom, we are not paying your business's $600 electric bill. Sorry, that wasn't part of the deal. I would be happy to drop it off at your new house but I don't know where you live and you won't return our calls. Oh well, go into collection, not my problem.

Your 1500 pound gun safe is also not my problem. I know you allegedly had it craned into the house while it was being built. I also know that the movers denied you because it is a huge hazard to move. I also know that, if I try really really hard, I can push the thing all the way to the stairs. From there, I am willing to put an ad on Craigslist saying "You get it up the stairs, it's yours." And yes, I realize you probably paid $1000 for it but it is in my way and I would like it gone. No, we do not want to buy it from you. We do not have anything that needs to be under digital lock and key. If I ever buy a small arsenal, I will give you a call. Possession is 9/10ths of the law buddy and right now, this lovely nuisance is in my possession.

One last thing before I let you go, please cancel your phone service so we can hook ours up. Yeah, did you forget that one too, just like you forgot to cancel Dish Network? Oh, you thought we would want Dish Network...well, that is a nice thought but we certainly would rather get the new service that comes with 4 free months then take over your bill that comes with no free months. But back to the phone. You see, we can't use but a couple specific jacks in the house until you cancel your service or we pay for someone to come out and add a third line to the house. We don't really want to do that and you don't live here anymore.

So that is all and if I find anything else, I will have Dr. HokieKev give you a call. But then again, you probably won't answer.

Thanks Again,
The People that Own Your Old House

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Don't Kick the Baby

It seems as though, everywhere I go, I end up almost kicking small children. This is a totally accidental kick of course but these kids, they are just EVERYWHERE!!! Today at the mall I saw two moms with 13 kids between them...and no, I didn't mean to type three...THIRTEEN!!! And all of these children were under the age of 10. Pretty efficient if you ask me. So just imagine the majority of families like that- with 5 or 6 or 7 children. I mean, there is a reason why they sell fresh baked hamburger rolls in packages of 20. But anyway, back to the kicking...

The first incident occurred at a restaurant about two weeks ago. I was standing there, minding my own business, waiting for Dr. HokeiKev to return from the little boys room and just as I took a step towards the door and seemingly out of nowhere came a small child running at warp speed right into my stride. I literally jumped backwards as not to kick this girl in the head. Granted, she was probably two and not really paying attention to those around her- what two year old does that!!! Still, she scared me half to death.

It happened again today in the mall. This time, the girl was a bit older, maybe 6 or 7 (or 16 if you are the Chinese Women's Gymnastics Team) so she really should have been paying attention. But no, she almost walked right into me and again I had to jump out of the way. What is it with these kids? Seriously, one day I am not going to have anywhere to jump to and some poor, unsuspecting child is going to feel the wrath of a knee to the head.

I guess with so many children running around it has to be pretty hard for two parents to keep track...or one for that matter as is the case during the day when dad is off winning the bread. Don't get me wrong, I am all for people having 6 kids if that is what they want. Maybe they could just leave a few at home when they head out to the mall. I mean, seriously, with that many kids you won't miss the two or three at home.

Monday, August 11, 2008

The Opening Ceremonies- Making People Feel Stupid Since 1896

Much like the rest of the world, we tuned into the Olympic Opening Ceremonies on Friday night. We watched 2008 drummers drum, 2008 cheerleaders cheer, one US President talk foreign policy with Lucife...I mean Vladimir Putin, and 205 countries march into "The Birdsnest" to various ethnic tunes. Allegedly, the Chinese alphabet doesn't have letters per say so everything was out of whack as they were brought in by the number of strokes in the first Chinese character in their name. Allegedly, NBC made this all up so they could create suspense while waiting for the US team to make their way inside. Either way, the Parade of Nations was long and made me seriously question my geographic skills.

You see, I am a US history teacher. I can label all the US states on the map. I can list and describe James K. Polk's four point program (which possibly made him one of the best Presidents ever, but I digress). On a good day, I can label major countries and pretty much all of Europe on a map. But Comoros...Seriously?!? Its a good thing Bob Costos and Co. had a little map in the corner of the screen that somewhat outlined the general area in which these unfamiliar countries are not only for me but also for the rest of America. Because, you see, like any good American you probably don't know where these countries are either. In fact, like any good resident of whatever state you live in, you probably can't label all 50 states. I say this safely after several years of asking kids to do the same....I had one kid who couldn't even label their own state correctly.

So anyway, back to the Olympics. First you have your major world power countries- places like the US, Russia, and China. The two Koreas are there, not marching together as they did in Athens, but there none the less. (Apparently, the Olympic Committees of both nations wanted to make it work but Kim Jong-Il wasn't feeling too diplomatic that day.) The "Survivor" delegation is in attendance- places like the Cook Islands, Vanuatu, and Palau (Jeff Probst however, will not be making an appearance). Also attending are the countries that don't let women play- places like Saudi Arabia, Brunei, and the United Arab Emirates. I guess if you don't let women play then you don't have to worry about pesky things such as Title IX and sports bras. Places you can't pronounce also make an appearance- Qatar (KAH-tur), Sao Tome and Principe (sou-too-MAY), and Kyrgyzstan (keer-gih-STAN). Former Soviet Republics always make a strong showing and I can just imagine, end up wishing they were still competing with the Russians as the C.C.C.P., U.S.S.R, Soviet Union, or whatever you choose to call it because it was almost unstoppable. Belarus, Moldova, Georgia, and basically any country ending in -stan are included here. Finally, the countries you have never heard of including such gems as Nauru, Rhodesia, Seychelles, Tuvalu, and of course Comoros. I dare you to look at this list and try to put all these countries on a map...without the help of a the internet, encyclopedia, phone a friend, or ask the audience.

Maybe by the end of this two weeks, we will all be a little more geographically adept. Or maybe we will know a little more about the South Ossetia region of Georgia (the country, not the state). Maybe we will realize the futility of the Iranian athletes refusing to compete against the Israeli athletes. Maybe George W. will be able to put together a coherent sentence when being interviewed by Bob Costos. Or maybe China will finally change some of its human rights violating foreign policy. Maybe the rockets that the Chinese shot into the clouds to prevent rain will start doing their jobs. Or maybe billions of people around the world will sit snuggled on their couches silently coveting Micheal Phelp's abs.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Babies and Cell Phones Just Don't Mix

Here's what happened... Kevin and I were out to dinner with a bunch of people. Afterwards, we were all standing around talking and this cute little one year old was toddling around amongst the group. I, along with another girl, bend down to play with the kid and the kid goes straight for my purse and pulls out my brand new iphone. Now, while this kid may have expensive taste, he has no business with said new iphone so I take it away and give him my old phone to play with. I figure, if he drops it that it is no big deal. Next thing I know, cute little kid takes my phone and drops it down a pipe.'s not really that huge of a deal. The phone is now the free phone at Wal-Mart so I can't resell it but it did have all my contact numbers in it.

So, I get down on the ground and reach my hand in the pipe. Several people with longer arms did the same. I am sure we were a site to see at the restaurant. A helpful waiter came over to inform us that there was a cat residing in the pipe and then offered to stick his hand down there. At this point, I was a bit unconcerned with my phone and instead was more concerned that someone was going to stick their hand in the pipe and come out with cat scratch fever or rabies or something so I told them to forget it. The poor parents however were really concerned...they even offered to pay for the phone...and tried to shove several implements down the pipe to try to retrieve said phone. The dad came close but "like a trout" the phone slipped back down the pipe.

For the rest of the evening we could all here the phone beep as it was running out of power. I have visions now of a feral cat chatting away all my verizon minutes. Moral of the story: Don't give a baby a cell phone, especially outside near drainage implements.

P.S. if I had your phone number before, I don't have it now. So you can either give it to me or just don't expect any calls from me!

Friday, August 8, 2008

I moved...

So I moved! The other blog just wasn't..Me. This one, I can change the color and the layout and anything else I want. Besides, our journey on the Oregon Trail is over so caulking the wagon is no longer appropriate and Kevin never writes in it anyway. So I moved to make my blog more...Me! If you are curious about our trip and haven't read about it before you can certainly go here and catch up.

We have been in Logan for two weeks now. I already like it better than I ever liked Gainesville. Ask me again when there is ten feet of snow on the ground and I may feel different but as of now it is way better. I still haven't gotten used to buying in bulk, although I have allowed myself to buy a few giant boxes of food for our new pantry. It is still a bit overwhelming to navigate through 10 pounds of cornmeal to find the box of Jiffy mix but I am getting used to it. I had to go to two stores to find fresh baked hamburger rolls in bags of 8 and not 20. Seriously, 20 hamburger rolls- but I guess if you have a family of 10 it is only two meals. The 8 rolls will go bad before Kevin and I finish them. You can read more about Adventures in Food Shopping here if you so desire.

We have already completed a couple of projects. Some went well, some ended with me covered in plumbing putty. I will have pictures of all eventually. Right now I am trying to decide what colors to put where and how I will justify spending way too much money on Pottery Barn Furniture- right now all I have is that it is so pretty. Kevin wants it too so its all good but it is hard going from buying particle board to buying real furniture that will hopefully last through more than 3 years of life.

Another change I made here is that you don't have to have a gmail account to leave a comment- anyone can. I also got a new cell phone number. The one from MA was a bit played out. If you want the new one you have to ask because I am not putting it on the internets for all the world to telemarket me from.

Other than that, I got nothing. The bathrooms are slowly coming together but the other rooms still need some help. Once my shower curtain gets here, both bathrooms will be completely done which just leaves me with the rest of the house. At least people will be able to use the facilities in pretty rooms!!!