Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Commercials, Clintons, and some guy from Montana

I am kinda disappointed that I live in a state the is really a non-issue in the election. I mean, this state is Republican- always has been, probably always will be. What this means is that neither candidate will be spending money running TV ads so the only ones we will see are the national ones. Boo! Same thing happened in 2004. MA is Democratic so it doesn't get commercials either. Imagine my excitement when I ran across this website! Seriously, go there. Watch the first Eisenhower ad from 1952. Tap your foot. Do a gig. Take note that they do not make them like that anymore.

Anyway, it is probably a good thing that they aren't showing commercials around here. All the ones that I have seen are kind of dumb. They have also been heavily Republican. Well, heavily the Republicans stealing from Hillary. Shouldn't the Republicans be saving money by not airing their commercials during the DEMOCRATIC convention. People that watch these conventions are not basing their November choice off of them. They are nerds, just like Dr. HokieKev and I. The one commercial that I think is especially dumb is the one of the woman holding a Hillary sign claiming that she is a "life long" Democrat. Well number one- no one is a "life long" anything. You don't pop out with a political affiliation and furthermore, those who have affiliations pushed upon them tend to revolt at some point. And number two- the whole point of this commercial is invalid. The premise is that this woman, once a Hillary supporter, is now supporting McCain because he has more experience than Obama. OK- if you are basing your vote totally off of who has more experience, why were you not supporting McCain from the beginning? He has always had more experience than all the others in the contest. He is older than they are, been in the Senate longer than they have, and lived in a frickin tiger box for five years. He didn't all the sudden get more experienced the day Hillary lost the nomination.

And Hillary did lose the nomination. Contrary what CNN and Fox News have been pushing all week, she lost. Fox News was especially bad this afternoon going on and on saying that the DNC wasn't going as planned and expect things to get iffy when they began the roll call vote. I, for one, was hoping this would happen as I am always up for a good case of political shenanigans. However, after Hillary's speech last night, my hopes of that had dwindled. Whether it was heartfelt or not, she did what she was supposed to do and hopefully it worked. She was the one who, this afternoon, motioned that Obama be nominated by acclamation- something that hasn't happened in a while (if you watch the CNN trivia ticker it will eventually show you how long). Maybe if she had that kind of pep and vigor during the primaries she would be the one speaking tomorrow. Maybe not. And I don't really feel all that bad for her.

I do feel kinda bad for John Kerry. How did he get the speech slot after Bill Clinton? That is certainly not a spot in which I would want to have to speak. I mean, Bill Clinton is so- dynamic- so- persuasive and John Kerry is well, not. He should just stick to the fact that his wife owns ketchup because he isn't going to make money as a motivational speaker. Overall though, Kerry's speech wasn't that bad. At least not the part CNN deemed it necessary to show. Again, had he been that excitable four years ago, maybe things would be different. He was the captain of the Yale debate team for crying out loud and he couldn't beat G.W. in a debate? What's up with that?

Bill Clinton, on the other hand, is a great speaker and always has been. And he certainly was right in saying that Obama has about as much national security experience as he did in 1992. The Republicans are of course saying that Clinton at least had executive branch experience. I mean, I know the Gov. of Arkansas is an executive position but come on exactly how much national security and foreign relations was he conducting? I did think Clinton was going to jump off that podium and start physically forcing people to sit down. He technically was only supposed to speak for 10 minutes- I think he went for 20. The LDS Bishop interrupted my Bill watching and proceeded to scowl at me when I said I had to get back to Bill. I guess he wasn't a big Bill fan. Oh Well!

Speaking of great speeches...Dr. HokieKev and I agree that Gov. Brian Schweitzer of Montana has stolen the speech show. If you missed it, you can go here and watch it. That is what YouTube is for. They should cart him out more often. He called out John McCain and it was funny. Schweitzer managed to get those delegates riled up. Until his speech, they looked like a bunch of bored individuals only in Denver because they had to be. The only thing that would have made that speech better is if it culminated with a balloon drop. Everyone loves a good balloon drop.

PS- What's up with Nancy Pelosi's outfit? She looks like she is going to a ball- well, until they show the pants.

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