Saturday, August 9, 2008

Babies and Cell Phones Just Don't Mix

Here's what happened... Kevin and I were out to dinner with a bunch of people. Afterwards, we were all standing around talking and this cute little one year old was toddling around amongst the group. I, along with another girl, bend down to play with the kid and the kid goes straight for my purse and pulls out my brand new iphone. Now, while this kid may have expensive taste, he has no business with said new iphone so I take it away and give him my old phone to play with. I figure, if he drops it that it is no big deal. Next thing I know, cute little kid takes my phone and drops it down a pipe.'s not really that huge of a deal. The phone is now the free phone at Wal-Mart so I can't resell it but it did have all my contact numbers in it.

So, I get down on the ground and reach my hand in the pipe. Several people with longer arms did the same. I am sure we were a site to see at the restaurant. A helpful waiter came over to inform us that there was a cat residing in the pipe and then offered to stick his hand down there. At this point, I was a bit unconcerned with my phone and instead was more concerned that someone was going to stick their hand in the pipe and come out with cat scratch fever or rabies or something so I told them to forget it. The poor parents however were really concerned...they even offered to pay for the phone...and tried to shove several implements down the pipe to try to retrieve said phone. The dad came close but "like a trout" the phone slipped back down the pipe.

For the rest of the evening we could all here the phone beep as it was running out of power. I have visions now of a feral cat chatting away all my verizon minutes. Moral of the story: Don't give a baby a cell phone, especially outside near drainage implements.

P.S. if I had your phone number before, I don't have it now. So you can either give it to me or just don't expect any calls from me!

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