Monday, August 25, 2008

Musical Interludes, Kennedys, and Carville's Shiny Head

Once again, I really think I need to be on CNN's panel of experts. For those of you who did not read it before, I became convinced of this on the evening of the New Hampshire primary when CNN expert John King was clearly downloading iTunes while waiting for Wolf to finish playing with the maps. I am pretty sure I could hang out at CNN and play with iTunes.

Anyway, so I am sitting here watching the Democratic National Convention. CNN has once again outdone itself with its completely unnecessary additions to a perfectly fine on its own event. What do I mean, you ask? Well, in addition to the actual coverage of what is going on in Denver, CNN presents the viewer with a Sound-O-Meter (which I haven't seen move into the yellow or red sections, even when Ted Kennedy was speaking, even though he is sick.), a sidebar Gavel to Gavel list which basically lists the four big things happening in each hour of coverage (maybe this is good if I could get in my time machine and go back to 5pm to maybe care about the introduction of the first time delegates), and of course let us not forget the Now/Next/Later Trivia Bar. The Now/Next/Later is a nifty gizmo I suppose, but do you really need to put the musical interludes on there? Seriously? Are the American people that dumb as to not know when they are playing music? And the Trivia- its like watching Pop Up Video- Democratic Convention Edition.

Let's revisit Senator Kennedy. Dude is a machine. Seriously, he had brain surgery less than three months ago and has since undergone chemo and radiation AND he flys all the way to Denver to make his second public appearance since his surgery AND he refuses the stool AND he gives a crazy hyped up speech AND he says Novembah. If the DNC elected a candidate like the mini-popes elect the Pope, Kennedy would so be the candidate right now. Unfortunately for Kennedy, they don't use nomination by acclamation anymore (not since Johnson is what I believe CNN trivia ticker said). They really don't use it to elect the Pope anymore either, but I think they still can. Everyone was crying at the end. I was eating Pesto Alfredo Chicken Ravioli.

And no DNC would be complete without James Carville. I love James Carville. He is just so ragin'! Besides, anyone who can spin Bill Clinton's pre Presidential personal life in a positive way has got to be a pretty competent dude. I also love his shiny, shiny head. He probably won't need to do too much spinning this election as I don't think Obama has those kinds of skeletons in his closet but then again, a month ago I would have said the same thing about John Edwards. Carville is supposedly out of the business of Presidential campaign spinning these days. But I do wonder what the dinner conversation at the Carville-Matlin house is like during election season.

Now it is time for the closing prayer. I know this from looking at my convenient Now/Next/Later ticker. Good thing this isn't going as late as the Olympics. A girl has got to sleep at some point.

And on one final note, I still think we are in for some shenanigans. Hilary Clinton's name is still on the ballot and the CNN Trivia ticker says it will remain there for historical purposes. The delegates are only bound to vote for their predetermined candidate through the first round. If neither candidate gets the required amount of delegate votes, the delegates are free to vote for whomever they want on subsequent votes. So there is a possibility Hillary can still win the nomination (This would require many super delegates to change their votes). It is a long shot but strange things happen in smoke filled rooms. Just ask James K. Polk.

PS- Keep those Obama kids on TV as long as possible. You could just hear that in the earpieces of those in charge of the stage when the girls were up there. Everyone loves cute kids. Although, I'm not sure that the older one was liking it too much.

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