Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Don't Kick the Baby

It seems as though, everywhere I go, I end up almost kicking small children. This is a totally accidental kick of course but these kids, they are just EVERYWHERE!!! Today at the mall I saw two moms with 13 kids between them...and no, I didn't mean to type three...THIRTEEN!!! And all of these children were under the age of 10. Pretty efficient if you ask me. So just imagine the majority of families like that- with 5 or 6 or 7 children. I mean, there is a reason why they sell fresh baked hamburger rolls in packages of 20. But anyway, back to the kicking...

The first incident occurred at a restaurant about two weeks ago. I was standing there, minding my own business, waiting for Dr. HokeiKev to return from the little boys room and just as I took a step towards the door and seemingly out of nowhere came a small child running at warp speed right into my stride. I literally jumped backwards as not to kick this girl in the head. Granted, she was probably two and not really paying attention to those around her- what two year old does that!!! Still, she scared me half to death.

It happened again today in the mall. This time, the girl was a bit older, maybe 6 or 7 (or 16 if you are the Chinese Women's Gymnastics Team) so she really should have been paying attention. But no, she almost walked right into me and again I had to jump out of the way. What is it with these kids? Seriously, one day I am not going to have anywhere to jump to and some poor, unsuspecting child is going to feel the wrath of a knee to the head.

I guess with so many children running around it has to be pretty hard for two parents to keep track...or one for that matter as is the case during the day when dad is off winning the bread. Don't get me wrong, I am all for people having 6 kids if that is what they want. Maybe they could just leave a few at home when they head out to the mall. I mean, seriously, with that many kids you won't miss the two or three at home.

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