Wednesday, September 10, 2008

A (few) days late, hopefully not a dollar short!

So, I am a little late with my RNC wrapup. I guess I just wasn't paying as much attention. I kind of tuned out after the 15th time they mentioned that John McCain was a war hero. Really...I didn't know that. Thanks to Mitt Romney, Mike Huckabee, Cindy McCain, Rudy Guiliani, Laura Bush, Sarah Palin, Joe Leiberman, and scores of others, I now do. It seriously could have been a drinking game. I also think they mentioned that the Republican party was the party of Lincoln a million times. If I heard it once more I was going to jump through the TV and throttle someone. Today's Republicans are not the same Republicans that Republicans were in the 1860s. Seriously...those Republicans were for things like, oh I don't know, Civil Rights. I guess you could equate the whole Patriot Act/suspension of Habeas Corpus during the Civil War things...but still. It just kind of seems funny that the entire party was founded on Civil Rights and thats not so much what they are for now (again, something you would know if you had me as a history teacher).

Other than that, some of the speeches were downright mean. Not politically mean...just mean in general. Half the stuff that Guiliani said was just hateful. And wonder VP candidate Sarah Palin- was it just me, or did she miss the boat. Seriously, to hear CNN (and every other media source) tell it, she hit a "home run." Really? Was I asleep? Did I temporarily go deaf? Yes, she read a well written speech off of a teleprompter. And, yes, I know every other politician does the same thing. But I really don't think she said much. Specifics please! She did read it surprise since she used to be a sportscaster... but I have heard high school kids do the same thing. In fact, I have heard high school kids give better speeches that they wrote themselves without the aid of a teleprompter. I think the "liberal" media was just trying to kiss ass so the Republicans would stop talking about them. Huckabee did pretty well though- there must be something in the water in that "little town called Hope." As you should recall, Bill Clinton grew up there too. Although, if Huckabee is ever anywhere close tot he White House, I am moving to Australia.

As a sidenote, this is what Laura Bush and Cindy McCain wore one night. Assuming all the jewelry was real, Mrs. McCain's outfit is estimated to have cost over $300,000. Mrs. Bush's- around $4,000. And no, I didn't hit the zero key one too many times.

I mean, I know Cindy McCain owns beer and all, but $300,000- that is more than my house cost. In fact, that is more than most people's house cost. I just find it a bit hypocritical that the Republicans spent a week trying to appeal to Middle America and they parade their First Lady candidate around in something almost no one in Middle America could afford. Meanwhile, Michelle Obama is wearing clothes off the rack from stores in the mall that normal people can shop at. Just sayin'!

So back to the speeches. John McCain's was boring. And if you didn't notice, the wrong graphic was projected on the screen behind him. It was supposed to be Walter Reed Medical Center but instead was Walter Reed Middle School. Google FAIL! He didn't offer many specifics either but he did remind us all that he was, in fact, a POW. (Take a shot) I don't fault him for that, I get it, it's important, however- you aren't qualified to be President simply because you spent five years in a tiger box. So, tell me what you will do in the future please...k thanks! The balloon drop at the end was pretty spectacular though. And Palin's youngest daughter is super cute on camera, McCain should keep her around to rival the cuteness of the Obama kids. Hopefully, she can manage to stay out of trouble~ unlike her two oldest siblings, but that is neither her nor there. Nor is it hear or there that the religious right (aka the conservative conservatives) are in love with the fact that Palin's 17 year old knocked up daughter is keeping the baby. Had the same thing happened to the Democrats, all hell would have broken loose- and the religious right can make that happen. I also wonder if the babydaddy would have been flown to St. Paul had he not looked like he stepped out of a J. Crew catalog. But like I said, neither here nor there.

I guess all these speeches helped though because "Maverick and the MILF" are ahead in the polls. It seems to be coming down to middle aged white women. Please let me reiterate- if you are voting for McCain just because he picked a woman as his running mate- THAT IS NOT A GOOD REASON. If you like the politics- fine- but to vote for someone just because of their anatomical parts is ridiculous. Because like someone else sorta said "You can put lipstick on a [Republican] but its still a [Republican]!"

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