Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Flashback to the HPT

Dear Kid in Beat Up Honda Prelude,

You may think you are cool pulling up next to girls at stop lights in your beat up old Honda Prelude with your shiny, spinny rims and revving the engine and beeping our horn but in reality you look like an idiot that spent more money on his rims than on his actual car. Seriously, they stopped making Honda Preludes in 2001. A Wikipedia search discovered that yours probably originated somewhere between 1983 and 1987. That means you probably weren't even born when your car was made. How do I know this- well, Wikipedia told me so and we all know that if it is on Wikipedia, it must be true. Besides, your car had that whole boxy thing that was so popular in the 80s going on. I mean, you could maybe sell the thing for $1500- if you are lucky. That is actually being pretty generous considering Kelly Blue Book doesn't even value cars from 1987. The rims alone probably cost you $1000- and that is being conservative. Never mind the super cool racing stripe you had painted down the side. In all actuality, those rims could have cost you way more. I know, I am from the HPT- people rice out Geo Metros...talk about a waste of money. I have seen these POS cars blinged out beyond recognition. Trust me, they don't look cool and neither do you. Your money would have been better spent adopting one of those TV kids who is in need of shoes and toothpaste.

The Girl Stopped Next to You Who Doesn't Care How Much Your Rims Were

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