Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Get Up Outta My Grill

Maybe all places are a little strange and I am just starting to notice it more or maybe Utah is just a weird place. And this is aside from the fact that they have outlawed malted girlie beverages for looking too much like Sprite. Seriously, if your kid is going to get drunk, they are going to get drunk and it doesn't matter whether or not the product looks like Sprite. But anyway...

I have notice int he last few months that they people here like to be very close. I guess it makes since with all the procreating they do out here that they like to be close because, after all, in order to procreate you must get pretty close and that is fine...get close with your spouse. Get close with your friends. Get close with people you are acquainted with. But please, for the love of Pete, stop trying to get close with me. I don't know you- get out of my grill.

You all know the type of people I am talking about- the ones that stand so close to you when they talk that you can see the remnants of their last meal. It is very annoying. Personal space please! When it comes to the close talker, you can at least take a step back in most normal circumstances. But the close line stander is a whole different story. Lately, I have noticed that people out here like to get thisclose when standing in line. I mean, it is one thing if you are in a crowded amusement park or trying to watch the 4th of July fireworks in Boston but it is an entirely different thing to get all up in my business when standing in line at Kohls. When you are standing in line, there is nowhere to go. You can't step forward or you will be too close to the person in front of you. You can't step backwards or you will be even closer to the space encroacher. You can't step sideways or you will be out of line. It is a lose lose situation and you are stuck standing there with Mr. Space Encroacher moving in.

Maybe it is just me but I really don't like the feeling of some stranger breathing down my neck when I am trying to purchase fine home furnishings at a discounted price. So please, Mr. Space Encroacher, take a couple steps back.

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