Thursday, January 1, 2009

Just what kind of girl do you think I am...

When I was a senior in high school, my best friend Ramona and I took a trip to North Carolina to visit another friend at his college. Said friend is in a fraternity- we knew we would be going to a couple of parties. We also knew we would be spending our nights in a male dorm with pretty strict rules about overnight visitors of the opposite sex (we ignored these rules and blew up our air mattress right on the floor of his dorm room).

Anyway, after a six hour drive including being pulled over in Emporia, VA for doing 5 miles over the speed limit, seeing renegade horses galloping on a median, and getting lost in Fayetteville, NC- we finally made it to Wingate with our 6 foot tall Gumby doll no worse for the wear. As we were getting ready for the weekend's first party and the boys were off doing something faternity related (and very loud) upstairs, Ramona threw a box of condoms on the bed. Not strange- remember, boys, fraternity parties, no adult supervision. She had a pretty serious boyfriend at the time, I did not. She said she wanted to make sure that I was "safe" should I be put in a situation to need said condoms. Still, not strange. Upon further review, however, I noticed that the box she threw on the bed contained not 3, not 5, not 20, but 100 condoms. ONE HUNDRED!!! We were only there for three days...who needs 100 condoms for three days...that is over one an hour. I promptly asked her what she thought I was planning to do that weekend. She replied with something along the lines of- well, you never know. We both laughed.

This story came to mind yesterday as I was strolling through the aisles at Sam's Club- I thought of it and wondered if these econo packs were sold in Utah. They aren't. You can get your 100 pounds of sugar but not your 100 pack of condoms. Just in case you needed to know...

PS- For the multiple parental units that read this- all 100 condoms were filled with water and used as balloons.


axotampa said...

That's all I ever used condoms for and you see what became of that!!!
Mommy Heaslip

Ramona Rice said...

Ah the Wingate trip good times- the worse thing was the condoms had the spermacide and one of the guys actually licked it- gross. Plus that was the weekend of "I'm bouncing, I'm dancing"